Top Automatic Delivery MYTHS & Why South Shore Homeowners Love this Service

Nowadays we automate many different parts of our routine. From setting our thermostat, programming our morning coffee to brew before we rise, and subscribing to online markets to replenish our stock of cleaning supplies; it’s a no-brainer that automation simplifies our lives. Homeowners here in the Massachusetts South Shore love how automatic fuel deliveries from the pros at Albert Culver Company make the winter season easier on them. Without ever needing to pick up the phone, you can rely on our team to monitor your tank levels and usage for you and refill your home heating oil automatically. If this sounds too good to be true, check out the list we created below debunking the most common automatic delivery myths!

Related Post: The Benefits of Automatic Oil Delivery on the South Shore

Common Automatic Delivery Misconceptions for MA Residents

Myth: Heating oil companies cannot track your fuel usage.

Wrong! Providers like Albert Culver use state-of-the-art tank monitoring technology and degree day calculations to create a custom fuel delivery schedule. We will track daily outdoor temperatures and regular fuel usage alongside factors such as your personal heating preference and house size to accurately estimate when your tank needs a top-off.

Myth: Automatic fuel delivery costs more.

You might assume that this convenient service costs more or that companies encourage signing up to sell you more oil than you need. But the truth is that automatic delivery is available to customers at no additional cost. Our custom delivery schedule translates into more efficient fill-ups, which can help you make the most of your heating season budget.

Myth: You will receive more fuel than necessary with auto delivery.

Nope! Since we can project the date of your next heating oil refill, you will never get more fuel than needed. Instead, you can appreciate saving the extra time and hassle of checking your tank levels and scheduling the delivery yourself.

Myth: Automatic oil delivery is not more convenient.

Luckily, auto delivery is the easiest way to simplify your home comfort this season. You can skip the stress of manually ordering fuel and arranging your busy schedule around delivery dates, knowing your fuel supply is in good hands. Plus, automatic delivery significantly reduces the risk of a no-fuel emergency, giving you greater peace of mind all season long.

Make Things Easier by Automating Your Heating Oil Deliveries with Albert Culver

Don’t get left out in the cold! Albert Culver Company is here to keep you comfortable with reliable fuel delivery and expert HVAC services that you can count on. Sign up for automatic heating oil delivery today for an even easier winter season! Not yet an Albert Culver customer? Register online here!