How to Prepare for Your Next Heating Oil Delivery

The cold season is officially here on the South Shore, and the team at Albert Culver is getting prepared to keep you warm and cozy this winter. Whether you personally monitor and schedule your fuel orders, or you’re enrolled in automatic delivery, there are a few things to consider when preparing for your next heating oil delivery. Keep reading to learn more about how to prepare for your winter heating oil deliveries and how you can help out your delivery drivers this season.

Steps You Can Take

Preparation is key. Sometimes little things make a big difference as far as ease, efficiency, and safety. The small steps outlined below can help ensure your next heating oil delivery is a great experience.

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Be Sure Your Address Is Visible

Even if you’ve been a customer for some time, it’s always good to have your house number clearly visible from the street, so our team members can easily confirm they’re at the correct location.

Clear a Path to Your Heating Oil Tank

Winter weather can mean heavy snow and slippery ice making, maneuvering around with a heavy hose no small feat! For the Albert Culver team to reach your oil tank safely, we ask you to have a clear path free of stumps, shrubs, heavy snow, and slippery ice for our team to access your fill pipe.

Check for Blocked Vents

After clearing a path to your tank, we suggest inspecting any exhaust vents around your home. When exhaust vents from heating systems are blocked, they can potentially lead to heating system malfunctions and even carbon monoxide getting into your home! Carefully unblock any snow-covered exhausts.

Check Your Tank for Any Cracks or Damage

A damaged oil tank can be a messy and potentially dangerous situation. It’s always a good idea, for the safety of your property and our team members, to take a look at your tank regularly for any cracks, leaks, or damage. Let us know if anything looks awry, and we’ll be more than happy to send out a technician to perform an inspection.

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Call Us for Your Next Heating Oil Delivery

Albert Culver is proud to serve the South Shore with quality heating oil. We take the safety of our team and customers seriously and hope to always provide helpful information and wonderful service. Call us today to see how Albert Culver can keep you warm this winter!