Could Your A/C Use a Spring Upgrade?

As we transition from the pleasant days of spring to the sweltering days of summer here on the South Shore of Massachusetts, it’s crucial to ensure your home is equipped with an efficient air conditioner to combat the heat. If you’re considering an upgrade, Albert Culver is here to guide you through the process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top four factors to consider when deciding on a new air conditioning installation.

Recognizing When to Replace Your A/C Equipment in Massachusetts

Older A/C units can lead to inefficient cooling, mid-season breakdowns, and high summer energy bills. Fortunately, a new A/C unit, installed and maintained by the HVAC experts at Albert Culver, can mitigate these issues. Our modern, efficient central and ductless A/C systems can provide comfort during the warmest months, reduce energy costs, and offer peace of mind throughout the year.

Here are some of the major signs that it may be time to upgrade:

  • Inefficient cooling
  • Aging equipment
  • Frequent breakdowns
  • High summer energy bills

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, don’t let another summer pass without investing in your comfort.

 Related Article: Spring Cleaning Checklist for South Shore Homes

Choosing the Right A/C System for Your Home

The first step in your A/C upgrade journey is deciding on what type of system is the right fit for your home. Below are a few key factors you should consider when planning your upgrade.

Ductless Mini-Split vs. Central A/C Systems

Albert Culver offers two main types of air conditioning installations: ductless mini-split A/C systems and central A/C systems. The choice depends on several factors, such as the size of your home and existing ductwork. Ductless systems are efficient and adaptable, while central A/C systems offer seamless, consistent performance using existing ductwork in your home.

Determining the Number of Zones

Proper zoning of your home’s cooling system can enhance its efficiency. Consider how you might want to divide your home into zones, such as the number of floors you have. Your desired level of temperature control is key to matching you with the right A/C system.

Location of the Outdoor Condenser

Whether you choose central air or a ductless mini-split, you’ll need to decide on a location for an outdoor condenser. Consider a location that doesn’t interfere with your daily routine and is preferably shady. However, if it’s near deciduous trees, the unit may require slightly more maintenance due to falling leaves.

Placement of Ductless Units

If you opt for a ductless mini-split, you’ll also need to consider where you’d like the wall-mounted units. They should be located where they can distribute air evenly while also being easily accessible for filter replacement. Generally, we recommend installing them at least eight feet from the floor.

Let Albert Culver’s Experts Help

Remember, you don’t have to make these decisions alone. The professional team of cooling experts here at Albert Culver is here to assist you every step of the way. Our installation technicians will evaluate your space, answer your questions, and simplify the process. Contact us today to learn more about your cooling options and ensure your comfort this summer.